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Justin Bieber is partnering with Garena as part of Free Fire’s fifth anniversary celebrations. UTA brokered the deal, which is one of the most comprehensive campaigns involving a celebrity and a video game.

Bieber will debut an exclusive track 8/27 for Free Fire’s first in-game performance. Other elements of the commemoration include a return of players’ favorite themed content, exclusive rewards and giveaways and a series of events and activities, both in-game and beyond.

“This collaboration with Free Fire has allowed us to explore various dimensions in which we can integrate my music with games, and I can’t wait for everyone to enjoy what we have worked hard on behind the scenes,” Bieber said.

Said Rachel Schlegel, account director for UTA Esports, whose team brokered the deal between Bieber and the agency’s marketing client Garena, “Consumers are looking for immersive experiences. Integrations aren’t new, but the sheer scale of unique in-game opportunities with a globally renowned artist is what makes this partnership so dynamic.”

Further details will be released over the coming weeks. We’ve always wanted to play video games in the office, but we have yet to find the slot where you insert the quarters.