So Roe v. Wade is dead.
A five-justice majority on the Supreme Court, three members of which were appointed by Donald Trump, has let stand a draconian Texas law that not only effectively outlaws abortion but also empowers citizen vigilantes to collect bounties for turning in anyone who tries to get the procedure—or helps someone to do so.
That’s even if the woman seeking the abortion has been raped or is the victim of incest.
This Handmaid’s Tale bullshit is the fruit of the modern GOP’s rancid amalgam of theocrats and fascists. And what does it signal for the future? Not merely the death of reproductive freedom (and the persecution of its advocates), but a supreme judicial star chamber that can rubber-stamp any intrusion on our liberties, so long as that intrusion comports with their ultra-regressive views.
Texas also, it should be noted, just passed a deeply, intentionally racist voter-suppression law. Think this court will do anything about that?
In the near-to-medium term, anyone in government who actually cares about individual liberties had better start working hard to expand the court and head off the damage this five-asshole cabal can wreak.
In the near term, though, it’s time for those of us whose business involves putting resources into Texas to think seriously about a boycott. Festivals, shows, conferences—what are you doing to establish your solidarity with the people under the heel of that state’s repressive government and its contemptible SCOTUS enablers?
And what is California, which has so often provided sanctuary to the downtrodden, going to do for the dispossessed women of America’s theocracy?
There has been a huge outpouring about this on social media from artists such as Dua Lipa, P!nk, Barbra Streisand and St. Vincent, as well as actors and other public figures. Here's hoping that fire grows.
Women's March is planning a massive protest on 10/2; text MARCH to 44310 for more info.
We have no fucking idea.
Three chords and some truth you may not be ready for.
The kids can tell the difference... for now.
That's what we'd like to know.