Jimmy Page did not play guitar during his first round of testimony in the Led Zeppelin plagiarism trial on Wednesday, but the 72-year-old rock legend did bring a guitar case to the L.A. courtroom, so he might play the opening riff to “Stairway to Heaven” in his next round of testimony today (6/16). That riff, of course, is the basis for the legal proceeding, in which the band Spirit claims Zep lifted the riff from their song “Taurus.”
Zeppelin’s members were known to be fans of the U.S. band—and opened for them early in their career—but under questioning on the stand Page claimed not to recall owning Spirit’s first LP, which contains “Taurus.”
The suit was brought by Michael Skidmore, representing the estate of Spirit guitarist Randy Wolfe, who wrote “Taurus”; Wolfe died in 1997.
When played the song a few years back by his son-in-law, Page testified, he said it was totally unfamiliar to him; he hadn't viewed online comparisons of the two tracks, he said, because he eschews the Internet.
The estate’s attorney, Alexander Malofiy, questioned Page at length as to whether he owned Spirit’s debut LP. Page said he owned thousands of albums and couldn’t recall acquiring it, but said he was surprised to find it in his collection. However, he noted, he has a gigantic collection (4,329 vinyl LPs and 5,882 CDs, if you must know).
Riffs to both songs were played while Page was on the stand, as well as a live Zep cover of Spirit’s “Fresh Garbage,” to which the guitarist reportedly played a bit of air drums. Spirit bassist Mark Andes previously testified that his band played "Taurus" frequently in live sets and recounted drinking beer and playing snooker with Page's bandmate and co-defendant, Zep singer Robert Plant.
Zep’s attorney, Peter Anderson, said that at the basis of the dispute were “common musical elements” that nobody can own.
Will Page’s next round on the witness stand reveal more? Is there a bustle in your hedgerow? Don’t answer that.
We have no fucking idea.
Three chords and some truth you may not be ready for.
The kids can tell the difference... for now.
That's what we'd like to know.