LABEL-LESS DEALINGS: In the wake of successful nontraditional artist deals getting plenty of attention of late (think Interscope’s Pussycat Dolls and Garth Brooks’ direct arrangement with Wal-Mart), can we expect to see some creative fancy negotiating by the handlers of two established acts who are currently out of their label commitments—Radiohead and Interpol? Lots of chatter has been going on as to Radiohead’s next label home. The ongoing rumor is the band may elect to go to the Bunny due to their relationships with three ex-Capitol execs—radio veteran Phil Costello, marketing whiz Rob Gordon and A&R VP Perry Watts-Russell—who are all now at the Bunny. Meanwhile, numerous majors have been courting Matador act Interpol for the past couple of years, with plenty of label presidents putting in time with the band. Expect the Interpol label derby to kick into high gear in the months to come. Both Radiohead and Interpol do extremely well on the road, but neither band’s most recent release broke a million units. On the flip side, will the courting majors try to structure a revenue-sharing deal with a big advance? Both are highly coveted acts that would enhance any major label roster. We’ll keep you posted…The David Surnow-managed/Chris Fudurich-produced The Outline has formed a joint arrangement with Capitol and Fearless Records. Capitol players Ron Laffitte and Louie Bandak and Fearless A&R guy Kevin Knight closed the deal. Barrister Jeremy Mohr handled legal duties. And publishers Greg Sowders and Stephanie St. Gal de Pons at Warner/Chappell signed and developed the band early on… Lots of label scouts showed up at Bamboozle over the weekend in
We have no fucking idea.
Three chords and some truth you may not be ready for.
The kids can tell the difference... for now.
That's what we'd like to know.