YouTube sub service rumored
PICTURE THIS: YouTube is poised to launch a two-tiered subscription music service as soon as December, according to various published reports citing various unidentified people—so it must be true, right? But if YouTube is already free on both desktops and mobile devices, why would anyone pay to watch the same music videos? According to these people, the premium version of the sub service would offer additional features, such as a commercial-free experience and the freedom to store music on a mobile device to listen when not connected to the Internet. The service would also integrate with Google Play Music All Access. For now, though, YouTube is mum on the matter. "We’re always working on new and better ways for people to enjoy YouTube content across all screens, and on giving partners more opportunities to reach their fans," said a spokesman. "However, we have nothing to announce at this time." But an announcement could come during the first YouTube Music Awards on 11/3, with performances from Lady Gaga, Eminem and Arcade Fire among the draws. (10/24a)