Rumor Mill


October 4, 2016

On the occasion of Blink-182's sold-out show at L.A.'s Forum, the BMG band joined their extended team to celebrate their international #1 album with an old-school alternative-rock photo op. Seen just before a Jäger-fueled Final Fantasy showdown are (l-r) manager Lawrence Vavra, CAA's Darryl Eaton, producer John Feldman, BMG prexy Zach Katz, Blink's Mark Hoppus, BMG EVP Records Jon Cohen, the band's Travis Barker , BMG VP Marketing Jake Lowry, Blink's Matt Skiba, BMG VP Promo Nick Attaway, GM Dan Gill and Sr. Director of Marketing Vic Trubowitch, and managers Gus Brandt and Kevin Wolff.

On the occasion of Blink-182's sold-out show at L.A.'s Forum, the BMG band joined their extended team to celebrate their international #1 album with an old-school alternative-rock photo op. Seen just before a Jäger-fueled Final Fantasy showdown are (l-r) manager Lawrence Vavra, CAA's Darryl Eaton, producer John Feldman, BMG prexy Zach Katz, Blink's Mark Hoppus, BMG EVP Records Jon Cohen, the band's Travis Barker , BMG VP Marketing Jake Lowry, Blink's Matt Skiba, BMG VP Promo Nick Attaway, GM Dan Gill and Sr. Director of Marketing Vic Trubowitch, and managers Gus Brandt and Kevin Wolff.