Sam Smith graces the cover of our most recent print edition, while Rob Stringer is the Contents VIP. They'll get over it.
Capitol crooner Sam Smith, who appears on the cover of our most recent print mag, recently scored a mega-smash with Pop radio #1 and streaming juggernaut “Dancing With a Stranger,” ramping up fresh Grammy buzz for the Tower’s trophy magnet. Now follow-up “How Do You Sleep?” has arrived; it took #1 Most Added honors in its first week at Top 40. As for the musical question posed by the new track, Sam answered it by perusing a few paragraphs in a recent issue of our print edition, which quickly summoned the Sandman.
Contents Page VIP Rob Stringer has been crowned chief of the Sony Music Group, as that company’s label and publishing operations are brought under one corporate umbrella for the first time ever. It’s a major development; now, if he could only disengage from the group of hacks at HITS.