songs still more popular than apps
TRACKS STILL TRUMP APPS: While pretty much every owner of an iPhone or iPod touch has downloaded a free app, 82% of them say they’ve also purchased music at the iTunes Store. What’s more, 56% of iTunes users say they purchase music exclusively. These stats come from a just-released online survey conducted by the NPD Group, with 3,862 respondents. Said NPD analyst Russ Crupnick (sounding like a music industry lobbyist): "Sales growth in digital music has been slowing, and some of that decline might be related to the distraction from apps; however, iTunes shoppers are still completely engaged with music, whether it's about listening, discovering or buying, Apps and video certainly do compete for consumer dollars, but they can also be used to promote music and re-energize digital music and video download sales." (9/1a)