Rumor Mill

RIAA vs. Mulve

October 1, 2010

THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING: The RIAA is trying to shut down free download service Mulve, which is being compared to the original Napster, TorrentFreak reported. “Just letting you know that Mulve has received a DMCA take down request from the RIAA, so it needed to be taken offline,” a Mulve spokesman confirmed. Mulve, which claims to have a database of 10 million tracks, isn’t a traditional P2P app, the item points out, with no uploading required. “Pulling its data off fast servers in Russia connected to the country’s biggest social networking site, downloading from Mulve is about as ‘safe’ as it gets,” TorrentFreak enthused. Latest word is that it’s up and running again. (9/30a)