Rumor Mill


By Simon Glickman
December 18, 2002
Hey, man, the year’s over! Why more announcements? I thought by now I’d be sitting down with a nice hot mug of bourbon and the complete Russ Meyer DVD collection. But noooo. has to go and trumpet its latest deals with Sprint to disseminate the former’s Rhapsody online subscription and info services.

Sprint will offer Rhapsody—which features music from all five major-label groups and multiple indies, CD burning, customizable online radio and more—to its high-speed customers, following in the footsteps of broadband players like Road Runner and Verizon Online. Sprint’s FastConnect DSL and PCS VisionSM users can try out Rhapsody for free until 12/22 by surfing over to

Rhapsody All Access will set users back $9.95 a month, and includes downloading, playlist creation, CD burning for 99 cents per track and online radio. The Rhapsody Radio PLUS option, at a mere $4.95 per month, includes customizable radio "with music from up to 10 favorite artists," 50-plus pre-programmed stations and the ability to skip tracks—which makes the service "interactive," according to licensing agreements with rights holders.

What’s more, Sprint’s PCS wireless subscribers will be able to access the new Rhapsody 411 service, which allows folks with PCS Vision-enabled phones to access artist recommendations, reviews, album art and more via their phones.

According to Listen’s Matt Graves, "It’s like having a record store clerk in your pocket." Is that analogy supposed to help sell the service?

While you try to get that unsavory image out of your mind, picture this—scores of cell-phone freaks dialing up Christina Aguilera’s album cover photo while trying to change lanes on the freeway. Thanks, Rhapsody.