Rumor Mill


September 22, 2016

While The Chainsmokers keep ringing the cash register and should be good for a few more weeks at #1, the latest weekly revenue chart has more new blood than we've seen since we started calculating it ...

While The Chainsmokers keep ringing the cash register and should be good for a few more weeks at #1, the latest weekly revenue chart has more new blood than we’ve seen since we started calculating it over the summer. Brightening the picture are new hits from three divas—Gaga, Sia and Ariana—along with the rocketing Shawn Mendes single. Another point of interest: These 25 slot are occupied by 19 acts, led, of course, by King of Streams Drake with three entries.

And now, the boilerplate: On-demand audio streams are calculated at an average of .00575 per stream; however, streams from the ad-supported tier are calculated at a lower rate. Track sales are calculated at 70% of retail, with 69-cent and other discount sales pricing factored in.