Rumor Mill


October 14, 2016

If you're on this site, there's a distinct possibility you'll be heading to Indio in a few hours for weekend two of Oldchella, with a spa facial and 18 holes booked for Saturday at the nearby resort you had to pull strings to get into. And when you get back to L.A. Monday, there'll be a Grammy ballot in your mailbox...

If you’re on this site, there’s a distinct possibility you’ll be heading to Indio in a few hours for weekend two of Oldchella, with a spa facial and 18 holes booked for Saturday at the nearby resort you had to pull strings to get into. And when you get back to L.A. Monday, there’ll be a Grammy ballot in your mailbox.

Hey, have a blast, OK? And BTW, you’ll find suggested topics of conversation for the hours you're poking along on the 10 East in the latest HITS List.

Photos by Kevin Mazur for Desert Trip