Rumor Mill


December 16, 2015

Streaming services Apple Music and Spotify are powering up their light sabers and offering their own custom versions of the intergalactic experience and cinematic spectacle that is Star Wars...

All the streaming services are jumping on the Star Wars bandwagon. Why not? It's currently on track to be the biggest movie in history. 

With Episode VII-The Force Awakens widely expected to alter the course of pop culture with its existence, both Apple Music and Spotify have readied their specialty programming to piggyback on this marketing juggernaut.

Apple Music has already fired up a new pop-up specialty station, which features a mix of memorable music from all the past films, curated with some familiar sound effects like Darth Vader’s heavy breathing and R2-D2’s happy beeping.  

Meanwhile on iTunes, Apple is also offering the soundrack to the new film (with a fresh reworked score from John Williams) for pre-order and and is selling a Star Wars collection of digital movies for the limited-time price of $89.99 for the HD bundle.

Spotify is getting a little more creative by giving their users a chance to see what Star Wars character (new or old) has the same music tastes as you, by setting up a stand alone website for users to log into called Spotify Star Wars.

With the message, "Use The Force to determine your Star Wars match," Spotify analyzes your most-visited artist listening data to pair you up with a Star Wars character. 

All of which is submitted for those of you who just haven't seen enough Star Wars tie-ins. See you at the cantina.