Rumor Mill


July 22, 2020

The lack of gender and ethnic diversity in the senior ranks of U.K. trade bodies has been revealed in a new report, which says that women represent just 27% of CEO positions and black women count for 3% of board members.

The lack of gender and ethnic diversity in the senior ranks of U.K. trade bodies has been revealed in a new report, which says that women represent just 27% of CEO positions and black women count for 3% of board members. 

Findings for the report, titled A Seat at the Table, were conducted by female-focused community Women in CTRL. The org analyzed the gender and ethnic make-up of 12 key music trade organizations, focusing on the representation of black women.

The report notes women hold just three out of 12 CEO positions and only one Chair, and five board seats out of a possible 185 are held by black women, who fill only two positions employed within teams out of 122 roles. Furthermore, 34% of board members across 12 music trade body boards are women and there are no black female CEOs or Chairpersons across 11 music trade body boards.

Discussing the findings, Women in CTRL founder Nadia Khan said: “I value that there is now an interest in discussing diversity in the industry, and I see the many recent statements from organizations on how much of an importance diversity and inclusion is to them. 

“However, statements are not enough. If we really want to really eradicate inequality in music then all organizations need to take accountability and make concrete action to increase representation of women in leadership roles, and diversity and inclusion within their organizations for minorities, in particular black women who are severely underrepresented.”

Khan has outlined a five-point diversity pledge that she’s asking the organizations surveyed to agree to. Points include: take accountability, commit to diversity, start at the top, diversity your team and listen to women. 

Trade bodies included in the research are; UK MusicThe Association of Independent Music (AIM), British Recorded Music Industry (BPI), Music Managers Forum (MMF), PPLPRS for MusicThe Featured Artists Coalition (FAC), Incorporated Society of Musicians (ISM), The Ivors AcademyMusic Publishers Association (MPA), Music Producers Guild (MPG) and Music Venues Trust (MVT).