Rumor Mill

iPod+iTunes rollout

September 2, 2010















THEIR TITANIC MAJESTIES PRESENT: Funny how the public greets the launch of every new or improved Apple product with the excitement that accompanied the release of a new Rolling Stones album back in the ’70s. You’ll find a comprehensive rollout—including visuals—of the upgraded iPod+iTunes ecosystem in this morning’s edition of Digital Music News. The discussion has to start with the revamped mothership itself: The new iTunes 10 will include networking, recommendations, concerts and lots of discovery. Additionally, you can kiss the familiar CD logo goodbye, for obvious reasons. “At first blush,” the story notes, “the interface actually looks a bit like Facebook, and Ping works across the iPhone and iPod touch. It's totally integrated into iTunes 10.” A complete review of the new interface is promised. (9/2a)