The cutting-edge photography of Island GM/EVP Eric Wong continues to reign over the aesthetic landscape. This latest dazzling image captures the swirling, decadent madness of the American music industry sometime in the second decade of the millennium. These debauched pleasure-seekers...
The cutting-edge photography of Island GM/EVP Eric Wong continues to reign over the aesthetic landscape. This latest dazzling image captures the swirling, decadent madness of the American music industry sometime in the second decade of the millennium. These debauched pleasure-seekers, seen here at a wild winter-solistice event known as the "Jingle Ball," lived only for sensation and the crazed music boiling in their fevered minds. Seen just before checking to see if their phones had completed the latest iOS update are (l-r) VP Top 40 Promo/Artist Development Toby Russell, iHeart programming guru Tom Poleman, Safehouse/Island/Hollywood artist Demi Lovato, Island Records boss David Massey and SVP Promo Mike DePippa.