Rumor Mill


June 16, 2022

Beyoncé is done teasing the world and has revealed that her first studio LP in six years will be released on 7/29. It's called Renaissance (Parkwood/Columbia).

Beyoncé is done teasing the world and has revealed that her first studio LP in six years will be released 7/29. It’s called Renaissance (Parkwood/Columbia).

Queen Bey is already selling four different CD/T-shirt/collectible box bundles on her website, where the album appears to reveal the subtitle act i. Rather than tweet about it, she just added the title and release date to her bio on her Twitter and Instagram feeds.

Beyoncé's seventh album, Renaissance is her first studio release since 2016’s Lemonade, which registered 653k in chart sales its first week in the U.S. and moved close to 2.2m in the States that year. Since then, she's issued Everything Is Love, a 2018 collab with Jay-Z, the 2019 live album Homecoming, the live-action update of The Lion King, also in 2019, the 2020 visual album Black Is King and the singles “Black Parade” (2020) and “Be Alive” (2021).