Rumor Mill


April 1, 2021

How much has L.A. missed Amoeba Music? So much that there's a line stretching around the corner of Hollywood Blvd. and down Argyle Ave. See you in the racks.

As of today, vinyl junkies can experience a long-desired sense of normalcy; the much-beloved Amoeba Music has reopened in its new location at 6200 Hollywood Blvd. (with a line around the block). No, this is not an April Fool’s joke. 

Opening-day perks—as if they were necessary—include commemorative posters and silk-screened T-shirts. 

The queue forms on Argyle Ave., while those with 10 or more items to sell or trade will form another line on Hollywood Blvd. that leads to a drop-off point at the buy counter.

Public health and safety protocols are being strictly followed. Plexiglas shields have been set up around the registers and info desk, and directional signs have been put in place to keep browsers six feet apart.

Customers who make a purchase will get 75 minutes of free parking with validation in the garage at the El Centro complex at Hollywood and Argyle.

New store hours: 11am-8pm. See you in the racks.