Two major L.A. entertainment-law firms are joining forces, as Goodman, Schenkman nears the final stages of merging with Stone, Genow, Smelkinson, Binder & Christopher.
Goodman, left, and Genow
Two major L.A. entertainment-law firms are joining forces.
Goodman, Schenkman is in the final stages of merging with Stone, Genow, Smelkinson, Binder & Christopher. The combined firm will represent talent including Quentin Tarantino, Anthony Hopkins, Christian Bale and Daniel Craig, as well as producers Jason Blum, David Heyman and John Davis.
The new firm’s shingle will read Goodman, Genow, Schenkman, Smelkinson & Christopher—and they’ve already got a logo.
John Ingram will lead the combined firm’s music practice.
SGSBC is led by Rick Genow—whose clients include the Duchess of Sussex, aka Meghan Markle—and Douglas Stone.
Goodman, Schenkman was formed last May when attorneys Carlos Goodman, Michael Schenkman and Leigh Brecheen took the helm following the retirement of name partners Jake Bloom and Alan Hergott.
As a result of the merger with SGSBC, Brecheen has formed the firm Brecheen, Feldman, Breimer, Silver & Thompson with other Bloom Hergott colleagues.
“We are excited about this unique strategic opportunity to grow and unite our very complementary practices in film and television among a group of people we like and admire,” Goodman and Genow said in a joint statement. “We look forward to working together to expand and enhance the great businesses we’re combining,”
Schenkman and Mitch Smelkinson also teamed up for their statement, which reads, “This next step would not have been possible without the great support of our senior counsel, John Diemer and Doug Stone, who have been foundations of the two firms that are combining, and will be integral to managing this new partnership going forward.”
GGSSC’s partners also include Stuart Rosenthal, Chad Christopher, Allison Binder, Eric Brooks, Matt Rosen, Patrick Knapp, Hayes Robbins, Hannah Mulderink, Aron Baumel and Will Jacobson. That’s a whole lotta lawyers.
The merger will be complete by the end of the month.