Rumor Mill


January 11, 2019

Spotify chose the bright lights of CES in Las Vegas to tell the world that it has surpassed 200 million users. Dustee Jenkins, the streamery's Global Head of Communications, broke the news during an interview at the tech confab.

chose the bright lights of CES in Las Vegas to tell the world that it has surpassed 200 million users. Dustee Jenkins, the streamery’s Global Head of Communications, broke the news during an interview at the tech confab.  

The new number means Spotify has added 9m monthly active users since its 11/1 financial statement. When the company had191m users, it had 87m paid subscribers. Spotify will next announce earnings the first week of February.

Jenkins dropped the big reveal as she was dodging a question about when the company might turn a profit. “First and foremost, we have to grow and get to regions of the world that still don't have Spotify,” she said.  “There are still parts of the United States where Spotify is not widely used. So I think the company has done a great job of prioritizing growth and making the service better, because there's a lot of competition, and we're only as good as the user thinks we are.”

Spotify was pushing its drive into podcasts at CES, where the company sees “a significant opportunity. Came here to put a stake in the ground,” Jenkins said. “People who listen to podcasts consume more music. Podcasts get people to sign up.”

The interview can be seen here.