Rumor Mill


February 1, 2018

Mercury Nashville's Chris Stapleton is one of the big beneficiaries coming out of Grammy weekend. Obviously the most recent Grammys didn't bring any windfalls, but Stapleton's visibility and noms, building on a needle-moving SNL appearance, have given him a substantial spike...

Mercury Nashville's Chris Stapleton is one of the big beneficiaries coming out of Grammy weekend. Obviously the most recent Grammys didn't bring any windfalls, but Stapleton's perf and wins, building on a needle-moving SNL appearance, have given him a substantial spike. Three of his albums are in the Top 15 at iTunes, and two of these (both editions of From A Room) are #4 and #6.

Stapleton's "Broken Halos" is #17 at iTunes and will enter the Top 10 at Country radio next week. Meanwhile, "Say Something" (RCA), the new Justin Timberlake track on which Stapleton's powerful voice is featured, sits at #1 on the iTunes tracks chart. 

Chris' beard, meanwhile, is believed to have inked a series deal with Netflix.