Rumor Mill


March 2, 2016

Earlier today, WXRT PD Norm Winer sent a letter to the station's staff containing a surprise announcement: He's resigning from his post after a staggering 37 years. The full text follows...

KG, Norm and WXRT morning host Lin Brehmer

Earlier today, WXRT PD Norm Winer sent a letter to the station’s staff containing a surprise announcement: He’s resigning from his post after a staggering 37 years. The full text follows.

Karen Glauber’s interview with the radio legend, published last August, merits another read in light of the shocking news.                           

I have never attempted anything like this. For me, this is uncharted territory. There is only so much that I can express in words. I have decided to leave WXRT and CBS Radio.

I have been exceptionally fortunate to have been here, surrounded by people who mean so much to me. People with whom I have shared so much.

For many, many years, we have stood together, defying conventional “wisdom” governing the way we execute our collective responsibilities. Against all odds, our positive impact has been indisputable. Few in our industry have chosen to relate to their audience with the style, humanity and lofty ideals to which we have aspired.

I am grateful that our employers, first Dan Lee at Diamond Broadcasting, then Westinghouse, Infinity and, of course, CBS, appreciated and supported our efforts and acknowledged our successes. The inspirational leadership that they provided us has made this all possible. And has enabled us to have so much fun in the process!

It would be impossible to summarize all the thoughts and memories that are racing through my mind right now. Luckily, I’ll soon have plenty of time to start writing my memoirs while I can still remember all the names, places, and punchlines that have given me so much pleasure—or at least adrenaline—for so long.

Honestly, I never imagined I would be here for even three years—let alone three dozen!

But I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

I’ve chosen to keep this brief, because, like I said, I’m a few years behind schedule.

Before closing, I want to express my profound gratitude and abundant respect for XRT listeners, colleagues, clients, co-conspirators, all the immensely talented artists we’ve discovered and supported, and even our competitors, who certainly helped elevate our game if we ever lacked motivation.  (Though I don’t believe we ever did.)

In some ways, I still like to think we made it up as we went along, with mutual support from the people of Chicago and each other. With honesty, humility, and humor.

So proud to have been a part of this station and this great city!

Wishing you happiness and good health in the future.

