Rumor Mill


March 15, 2001
"All For You" could well describe Janet Jackson's media visibility this week.

It was "All" Janet "All" the time last week on TV and radio, as she launched "All For You," the title track from her new album, which hits retail April 24. The new disc is her first since 1997's triple-Platinum "Velvet Rope," her fourth record to top the charts. Based on radio's initial response to "All For You," Virgin is reportedly planning to put upwards of 1.5 million records on the streets.

Virgin Records America Co-President Ray Cooper was so pleased at the strong start that he dribbled Earl Grey tea all over himself: "Janet has once again proven she is truly the best. She delivered a brilliant song, which the public has embraced as quickly as we did when we first heard it. And she even lets me call her Ms. Jackson if I'm nasty."

  • More than 330 radio stations at Top 40, Rhythm Crossover and Urban added the record last week, giving it a cumulative listening audience of almost 70 million. The track was made available through satellite, the Internet, online delivery and carrier pigeon.
  • Said Sr. VP Promotion and renowned Promotion pit bull Michael Plen: "It's a killer song. We got every radio station in America to play it the first week. What more needs to be said?"
  • MTV launched its newest show, "mtvICON," on Tuesday (3/13) night, honoring Janet with performances of her songs by Destiny's Child, Macy Gray, OutKast and Buckcherry, along with a special vocal tribute by NSYNC and a dance homage by Mya, Pink and Usher.
  • The Dave Meyers-directed "All For You" video debuted last Friday (3/9) on MTV's "TRL," while VH1 will fete Janet as "Artist of the Month" for April. The clip is now streaming right here on
  • Janet appeared as a guest on "Late Show With David Letterman" Monday (3/12) and Rosie O'Donnell Tuesday (3/13), though she didn't perform on either. She'll also be appearing on an upcoming "Tonight Show With Jay Leno" as well as doing a three-part interview with Diane Sawyer for ABC-TV's "Good Morning America" and "Prime Time Live."
  • Magazine covers include this week's TV Guide (in three different versions), Entertainment Weekly and Vibe. Allure and Redbook have big features planned.
  • The label is putting together an extensive consumer ad campaign, with billboards in the most populated markets as well as cable and network TV advertising, which will begin with a teaser campaign in April before the album's release.
  • Online, the label plans to utilize as well as and other music-lifestyle portals, while developing its own dedicated Janet website. There's a "significant" proposal on the table for Microsoft to get involved in a number of different marketing/promotion initiatives, with details still being thrashed out.

Sr. VP Marketing Piero Giramonti "Cristo" said the label is enormously encouraged by radio's reaction. "This is a mass-market campaign. We're also aware of Janet's enormous urban fan base, so we're making it our priority to work with BET to reach urban consumers out of the box."