Rumor Mill


April 22, 2019

A message has gone out to agents announcing that the planned on-sale for Woodstock 50 on 4/22 (Earth Day) is on hold...

The below message has gone out to agents from danny wimmer presents announcing that the planned on-sale for Woodstock 50 on 4/22 (Earth Day) is on hold. The newly announced delay comes on the heels of reports of controversy surrounding the proposed site’s capacity. The event’s lineup, with a mix of current and classic acts (including quite a few who appeared at the original Woodstock fest), dropped last month. The Black Keys, originally slated to appear, have since dropped out.

What’s up with the delay? We await updates.



There is currently a hold on the Woodstock 50 on-sale date. We are waiting on an official press statement from Woodstock 50 regarding updated announce, ticket pricing, and overall festival information. We will get this information to you as soon as we receive it.