Rumor Mill


June 19, 2015

Mark Ronson's "Uptown Funk" has now become the #30 top-selling single of all time. The RCA smash featuring Bruno Mars now sits at 6.136m as it continues a charge that may take it all the way to the top.

You'll recall that we speculated a little while ago about whether Mark Ronson’s “Uptown Funk” could go all the way to #1 on the list of all-time top-selling singles. Well, it's time for another chapter of #FunkWatch2015.

"Funk" has now become the #30 best-selling single of all time. The RCA smash featuring Bruno Mars now sits at 6.136m as it continues a charge that may take it all the way to the top.

The current #20-ranking single, Maroon 5 f/Christina Aguilera’s “Moves Like Jagger,” is at 6.7m. The #10 single, Lady Gaga’s Poker Face, is 7.2. The Black Eyed Peas’ “I Gotta Feeling” remains at #1 with 8.7m.

As we move closer to the fall season, Grammy nominations and expected year-end and subsequent Grammy shows, we continue to believe “Uptown Funk” has a decent shot at becoming the top seller of all time.

Don’t believe it? Just watch.